Bacon Brawl
Alright Grunt Style fans, you may have noticed the numerous bacon articles in the last few days. Grunt Style and Bacon Freak are proud to announce the 2015 Bacon Brawl! In honor of International Bacon Day, we are hosting a month long video competition involving all things bacon. Have a special way to make it? A special song? An epic bacon poem? A prayer to the God of Bacon? Five finalists will be chosen and voting will begin on 14 October 2015 at, voting will end the 22nd and the winner is announced on 23 October.

In order to participate, you must upload your bacon video to, and then share the video with Grunt Style on twitter or Facebook with #GSBaconBrawl. For official rules or more info, go to[mwi-cat-listing cat="94" ppp="4" cols="4" desc="false" type="view" btn_color="black" ]