Basic Training Story
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Building the American Spirit: Story 4424

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November 1, 2016
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The receiving of a "care package". Everyone has heard or knows not to send a care package and here's why. Late 2006 my training company was in 2nd phase of boot camp. The day was normal, lots of snapping in, yelling, going to the beach, cleaning weapons and so forth. We had mail call later that day and all was normal until we spot a brown package.Pretty well caused concern among the platoon. No one knew who was going to see the quarter deck or if we were all going to the pit. The package was simply picked up at the end of mail call and brought into the duty hut and we went about the rest of the day.In Came the J-belt DI for the night shift. Couple water bowls down and we're into our "Good night Chesty Puller where ever you are" ritual, lights went out as we lay poa. A short time later the J-belt came back out and grabbed a squad leader out of the rack. We now knew who's package it was.


The conversation station went like this.J-belt: "open it" fallowed by paper rustling.J-belt: "good, now eat" fallowed by a wrapper crinkling.Went on for what seemed like forever. Then we hear "keep eating, your eating all of it". Crinkling continues.....Seemed like a eternity.... mean while there was some muffled talk in the squad bay, some rustling of gear before foot steps going into the head before going into the duty hut. Finally we hear: "Are you done?"The squad leader replies "yes sir".J-belt: "You look thirsty, drink" fallowed by another "drink" and yet another "drink".Next thing heard was the squad leader puking. The J-belt then with a harsher tone: (and I kid you not) "Here's a spoon, eat".I'm sure I wasn't the only one thinking "Sure sucks to be him".... We all found out later he had been sent a 3.5 lbs bag of M&M's.And that ladies and gents is why you don't send "care packages" unless your just trying to be a A$&hole.

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