Now I was at Ft. Knox going through Cav Scout basic part and ran into the problem of being harassed by other privates for my Jewish faith (mind you, 3 Jews at the time on the whole base). DS gets a whiff of it at last and smokes for a little bit the private who was giving me the most trouble. Then gives a speech on how it is one army and it should make no difference what faith you are. Whole thing lasts good 40-60min.It's all happening on Thursday, the next Sunday it's a service day (to Jews too instead of normal Saturday) and the three of us use the service of the altar boy (who is in a line to get discharged over broken leg) to order pizza. It's happening 5th week in a row since he got a cellphone, the service is in the church basement and the rabbi is a civilian and honestly doesn't give a f*ck.Pizza gets delivered, but then abnormal shit starts happening, some other troop drill busts in on us, takes names down and those who paid for the pizza and takes the pizza away. I'm really scared, in Ft. Knox it's already the worst basic in the army and now I'm sh*tting myself that I'm getting Around the World (going to every DS of the troop and telling them what I have done). Soul in the heels about hour and a half later I'm walking towards the barracks and I our DS just chilling at the entrance.He is looking at me heavy and I realize I am totally f*cked. When I reach him he under his breath says just one phrase "f*cking Jew" and then loud "carry on". I was shitting myself for the next three or five days, but he let it slide since I guess I never used my card to pay for it.