Bowe Bergdahl is expected to enter a plea of guilty to deserting his post and misbehavior in front of the enemy. The first charge would garner a sentence of five years and a life sentence for the misbehavior charge. We’re just going to come right out and say it in honor of those who lost their lives trying to get this traitorous jerk back: It’s not enough. [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video]In 2009, at just 23 years of age Bowe Bergdahl claimed he was “lagging behind” on a patrol when “captured” by the Taliban. From there, he went on to make several derogatory and critical statements of the United States while held “captive” for five years. In 2014, then President Obama petitioned for the release of Bergdahl from the Taliban in exchange for Abdul Haq Wasiq, Norullah Noori, Mohammad Fazl, Khairullah Khairkhwa, and Mohammad Nabi Omari. All of these men are high level operations managers in the Taliban. What did we get in return? A traitor. Despite all the controversy surrounding the swap, then President Obama defended the action stating that the U.S. does not “leave our men or women in uniform behind.” Upon leaving the white house a pardon was requested from Obama by the Bergdahl legal team, however it was not granted.

We’re not lawyers and we’re not politicians. However, we are aware that for the price of five hardened jihadists and six U.S. soldiers, all we got was a deserter and a traitor back so he can sit in a jail cell the rest of his days. That’s not right and not fair to the men and women in uniform who fight for the ideals this country represents. Bowe Bergdahl deserves a lot worse than a jail cell. A lot! Is that harsh? You be the judge. In our opinion, spending his days on the US taxpayer in prison is not enough. Bergdahl’s lawyer declined to comment when contacted by Fox News. We wouldn’t want to talk to anyone either after fighting for such a miscarriage of justice. The Trump administration, however, believes that Bergdahl should face the death penalty seeing as how his actions lead to firefights and deaths of U.S. service members. Several service members who were wounded or participated in the search for Bergdahl are set to testify at the trial. However this plea deal would certainly put a kibosh on that if they decide to accept the terms.The sentencing, whether or not this plea goes through, is set to begin on October 23rd. Hopefully justice will be served and the families of those who sacrificed so much for a coward who turned his backs on them will finally get the closure they so deserve.