Brawl at Pennsylvania High School
Things are getting out of control. We can have a discussion in this country about the role of police and what we as a society will define reasonable force to be, but we can't have a discussion when there is open war being declared on the police.This video was captured yesterday from an incident involving high school students at a school near Allentown, PA. According to reports, there were dozens of students involved in a brawl outside the school which police responded to attempting to break up the fight.As officers responded, the crowd turned on them beginning to attack the officers. The incident left four police officers injured and resulted in the arrest of five individuals. The fight started between two female students with the fight attracting a crowd of nearly 200 students.District Attorney Jim Martin told the New York Daily News that one of the officers trying to break up the fight received a concussion. A female officer, the one seen in the video being thrown to the ground, may have also suffered a concussion. Both officers have been treated and released. Two additional officers were treated for injuries at their police station.

The video is shocking and shows us just that we have a real problem in this country. Again, we can have a discussion about the role of the police and whether they have at times gone too far. What we can't have in this country is a population at war with the police. That is never going to lead to anything good.It's time for leaders on both sides to dial back the rhetoric and start talking. We need responsible leaders who want to talk about what the issues are rather than leaders who are more interested in firing up their bases to raise money for their coffers.Here is the disturbing video: a result of the video, police were able to identify five students. Three were arrested on Thursday and two more were arrested today. The five students face charges of aggravated assault, simple assault, and riot. More arrests may be made for those who failed to disperse.As more news comes available, we will keep you updated.[mwi-cat-listing cat="94" ppp="4" cols="4" desc="false" type="view" btn_color="black" ]