Admiral John Richardson has dropped the charges on Navy SEAL Lt. Jacob X. Portier who was set to go to trial soon for conduct unbecoming an officer and allegedly reenlisting Gallagher over the dead body of an enemy combatant. Not really sure any of those qualify as crimes in our book, so if we were on the jury nullification a thing in a Court Martial too? Because we'd totally nullify the shit out of those charges if we were on the jury.Thankfully Admiral John Richardson stepped in and dropped all the charges. Why? Because he knew, like most of us that operate with our brain, that these charges were bogus ass bullshit and since Gallagher had been acquitted of everything except taking a picture...basically, everything Jacob was charged with was out the window as well.Whatever your side is on this, can we all just be glad that the shit show is over?The officers who received Navy Achievement Medals for their "OUTSTANDING" work on the case, have been stripped of those medals because how the hell are you going to prosecute a case, get your ass kicked, then get awarded for outstanding performance of duties? Just how?A spokesman for Admiral Richardson stated that dropping the charges were in the "best interest of justice and the Navy."It's not often that a services top-ranking officer gets involved and you can bet when they do, it's not just on some willy nilly whim. Not sure about Admiral Richardson's aspirations beyond the Navy, but should he run for office and it comes out that Lt. Portier was a shit officer and a whole bunch of other bad shit, his career would be smeared and ruined like no other. We don't exactly think that's a risk he's willing to take...whether it's a political office or on the board of some fancy defense contractor, he didn't do this lightly and it's probably a really safe bet that he had some solid reasons for this.
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