China's aircraft carrier, well it's homegrown aircraft carrier is finally...sea worthy...ish. (It's straight hot dumpster fire garbage). It is undergoing it's final sea trials and is expected to start fulfilling its mission as soon as next year. But here's the kicker about the "new" Chinese aircraft carrier. It friggin sucks.It's homegrown/built/designed whatever, but as always it's a ripoff of a shitty ass Russian design, like the Liaoning which used to be a Russian Kutzenov class aircraft carrier and is now a training ship. The "new" carrier is ripe with old technology and way behind on the times. The ski-jump ramp is one of the most glaring insults to technological advances when it comes to aircraft carriers.The major downside of the ski jump launching system is that the planes can't be as heavy when they take off. It means that if you've got a ski jump launching system that your planes will have to sacrifice on fuel and armament when they are launched. Something the United States doesn't have to worry about with the catapult system.It also means you can't launch planes as fast.[caption id="attachment_18552" align="alignnone" width="750"]

This is what a modern aircraft carrier looks like. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Ridge Leoni/Released)[/caption]So the "newest" and "best" the Chinese navy has to offer is a shitty outdated design that will launch planes that won't have as large of an operational range as their American counterparts, nor will they be as well armed as their American counterparts. And there will be fewer of these shitty planes in the sky...seems like this carrier idea was not really thought out.There is a certain news agency that decided that China's navy can now threaten the United States Navy as peers. (cough Times, from the Big Apple, cough) China's missile forces, maybe, but with our ability to project power over the horizon, they are still at a distinct disadvantage.Don't underestimate China. But also, don't think that just because they put out a shitty ass aircraft carrier that they can hang with the United States. It's the equivalent of a six-year-old fighting a drunk and angry Connor McGregor.China's aircraft carrier ain't shit and ain't gonna be shit for a while.