Bryan Morgan and his wife have owned and operated a training facility for many years. It didn't become Core Shooting Solutions, until a strategic partnership with a couple of good friends was formed. The business provides training, products, and offers a wide variety of services. Whether you're looking to learn the basics of pistol shooting, or you're wanting high-end tactical products and expert training, CORE has you covered.Bryan is one of the most humble and unassuming people you'll ever have the pleasure of talking to; he'll endlessly understate his influence, expertise, and knowledge in the shooting world. But the one thing he can't understate is his love for all things firearms, a love that started early in life."I've been shooting long range [for a while]; that is what I enjoyed when I was young and I still do today," he said. "I grew up in a different time, so guns were pretty acceptable when I was a kid. I'm not sure what changed."Bryan is well known for his abilities in long range shooting. He has won numerous national level matches and a national championship. There’s something about long range competitions that inspire him."I'm competing against the environment and my capabilities," he said. "It's you against the conditions. And to be able to place a bullet on a target - sometimes out to a mile or longer- in a competition is very challenging, and it never gets easy. The day that you think you've got it all figured out is the day you get humbled. It's a never ending learning process."
If you build it...

As a young man, Bryan worked alongside his father and brother at a construction company that they ran together. In his words, they were "blessed" in that work, and were eventually able to sell the company. From there, Bryan decided to focus on his real passion - shooting. Which included building a facility where not only he could train but also others could enjoy it."'If you build it they will come'... it was a little bit like that." Bryan said. "Probably about a year after the facility was built, I started getting a lot of phone calls about military training and military use. So then we morphed into some contracts with the government on training and facility use."Eventually, CORE began branching into online retail in addition to their range services and extensive training. Bryan said, “Josh Mann, Mike Magnum and John Watts have been the driving force behind the growth of the online sales. They each bring their own expertise to the Core brand.”Bryan prefers to work with people rather than against them. That philosophy has, in his opinion, brought him the success that he and his partners enjoy."There's a lot of companies that feel like they need to beat others down to bring themselves up. And one thing that we really enjoy is that we like to build everybody up," he said. "If someone else has it and we don't have it in stock, we're going to send people to other places. And likewise with training; if for some reason we're booked up with military or civilian training, then there're a few other trainers throughout the country that we trust, and we'll send them there."

The tools and the training"You need to be trained... owning a firearm is a right, but training is a responsibility."Training is taken very seriously at CORE, which is why they have world-class trainers from all areas of the shooting world employed as instructors. Bryan takes great pride in the trainers that he works with, and is happy to brag on them. People like Ryan Castle, Scott Satterlee, Matt Nelson, Francis Kuehl, Terry Cross, Bennie Cooley... the list goes on, just like the registration lists for CORE's classes."Right now the long-range areas are growing fast, so those courses fill up really quick... Very few people have the opportunity to shoot out to 1000 yards," he said. "All of our instructors come from vastly different backgrounds... it's not just because they were successful in their area of expertise, but also they are very good instructors.Personality is very important to the CORE team. "When people come to the range, especially new shooters, they are very intimidated. They're intimidated because they're going into a new area that they've never done before, and they don't know their skill level or how the instructor is going to come off to them. So we treat people like we'd want to be treated," Bryan said.This attitude extends into the military course that CORE teaches. ”I'm a civilian, I've not served in the military, but I’m confident in my abilities behind any firearm. I don't try to come in there and prove anything to them," Bryan stated. "My goal is that they get the absolute best training they can get before they go on a deployment to serve my family, to serve my friends. I would be doing them a disservice if I didn't do that."
Part of the Family

The excellent training that CORE provides is only the surface of the company; the entire experience of taking courses, purchasing products, or building a custom system is an induction for the customer into a close-knit team.The CORE facility provides lodging for military teams when they are in town to train. Bryan’s wife, Misty, provides the meals for them. He jokes, “I’m still unsure if the guys come for the training or the food”Hinting at other projects that are in the works, Bryan looks forward to seeing CORE expand their course offerings across the country and continue to build others up on a foundation of honesty, sincerity, and humility. And, of course, more ammo.To learn more about Bryan and CORE, visit their website.