The pursuit of optimal health and wellness requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses the entirety of one's being - body, soul, and spirit. The Triangular Compass serves as a valuable framework for achieving this, enabling you to take charge of your well-being and elevate the quality of your life. By recognizing the interconnectedness of these essential elements, you can empower yourself to become the master of your health and happiness.
Exiting from service, whether military or first responder, can be a challenging experience. One that can leave you wondering who you are. However, what defines you as a service member? Is it your uniform, your contract, your rank, or something else? When you leave, do you lose all the qualities and traits that you have worked so hard to develop, like discipline, focus, honesty, loyalty, selflessness, courage, etc.? These traits don't disappear just because you stop wearing a uniform; they stay with you. Moreover, the people closest to you rely on you to uphold these qualities, starting with yourself.
While in service, you saw things that you probably wish you didn’t. You felt things you wish you hadn't. For a long time, you probably ran away from getting any kind of help. But if you’re open to it, the Triangular Compass can make you a better person, spouse, parent, and friend. So when you ever find yourself struggling, you’ll have someone to have your back.
Though you may no longer be engaged in physical combat, you may still be fighting a battle within yourself. One that requires you to tap into those strengths and continue to be an example to those around you. It’s time to start taking accountability for yourself and continue to train in order to be stronger and more dialed in.
It’s time to zero in your shot!
The Triangular Compass will help you identify your "True North" - your guiding principle or moral compass - to help you make ethical decisions, stay on course in challenging situations, and maintain integrity, values, and honor.
- Triangular - of or involving three parts: body, soul, and spirit.
- The four points of the Compass represent the interconnectedness of all our main aspects - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
- The compass signifies guidance, direction, and navigation towards your true north; in this case, towards holistic well-being.
- Compasses are reminders that you are free to choose the course of your life as you wish.

The opportunity here is to provide you with a resource that can be used as a way to check your mental health in real time. It's not enough to rely on occasional appointments with your doctor, as one's mental state can change from day to day and from moment to moment. You need a resource that you can use to assess yourself and combat any negative feelings you may be experiencing.
As you know very well, service members often encounter a range of challenges when accessing health services, despite having served their country and being entitled to said benefits. The Triangular Compass is doing its part by joining in the efforts to address these challenges.
Why wait for someone else to make a change when you can be the one to initiate it? The answer is simple – because it's necessary, and if not you, then who? If not now, then when? We encourage you to reflect on your motivations, both internal and external and contemplate how - with the power to rewrite your life - you would make these changes. It’s time to take action.