Stout season is here and Left Hand Brewing Company is celebrating Nitrovember with NEW Milk Stout Nitro cans of milk stout beer. Ball Corporation's (NYSE: BLL) #WidgetInside technology allows nitro fans to take beer on the go this Nitrovember and enjoy a perfectly smooth and creamy Milk Stout Nitro right from the can."Widget technology is important for craft beer drinkers because if you want to experience what you get off the faucet at a good craft beer restaurant or pub, regardless of where you are in the world, you can experience the same thing with the widget," said Chris Lennert, Left Hand COO.Milk Stout Nitro cans with the Ball widget are the first being produced by Ball in the U.S. Ball's widget looks like a small top hat that is adhered to the bottom of the can, and provides a consistent nitrogen release from the bottom of the can up through the entire beer. This delivers superior results because it ensures an even and consistent release of nitrogen throughout the beer when opened.

According to Melanie Virreira, marketing director for Ball, "The Widget Inside technology was developed to bring the nitro experience to the consumer, regardless of drinking occasion, and ensures the smooth, creamy finish that nitro tap lovers have come to expect."In addition to Milk Stout Nitro cans, Nitrovember is a great time to appreciate Left Hand Brewing's complete line of nitro beers including limited release Wake Up Dead Nitro, a Russian Imperial Stout, and Bittersweet Nitro, an Imperial Coffee Milk Stout. Regardless of which Left Hand Nitro beer you choose, you'll be sure to "Experience the Experience" of tiny bubbles cascading to nitro perfection.

Milk Stout Nitro cans of the special milk stout beer are available across the brewery's 42-state footprint along with Nitro seasonals and draft. Click here for more information on Nitrovember events. Click here for a great stout alternative that punches up your beer game!