The full auto version of the .50 Beowulf is something to be seen, significantly larger than most ammunition put through an AR platform, this thing packs one serious punch.The guys over at Four Guys Guns bring one out to range to have a little fun.From Four Guys Guns:
Umlaut Industries was nice enough to bring along his fully automatic Beowulf AR for us to play around with recently. Overall the gun was problem-free. On full auto it is a bit challenging to keep on target but running a fully automatic .50 caliber AR is the most fun I've had shooting any weapon system.
Take a look at the video below. that's some serious firepower! As you can see in the video, we imagine that it would be a little difficult to keep your proper sight alignment and get accurate follow on shots. One way or the other, this looks like a hell of a lot of fun, and we might have to head out to the range soon and try this out for ourselves. We hope you enjoyed the video, let us know what you thought about it in the comment section or on Facebook!Read more shooting articles here.