We've all seen the commercials advertising how to get a loan from everything from cars to homes. How do you get a business loan though? Well, the guys over at Grunt Style decided they were growing and headed over to the local bank for a loan.

The requests here seem pretty normal for our three intrepid Grunt Style employees. Guard towers seem like a reasonable...wait did they say they had a few "demands". Not sure that's how that goes but let's move on. Guard towers, yes, definitely going to need those, to prevent corporate espionage. At least six fortified firing positions as well, all with range cards. This seems like pretty normal stuff. We're not sure if they need the Blackhawks (really cool helicopter), but it's better to be told no, than not ask at all. These jack-shacks...not sure we want to know what those are (we totally know what those are). This should be an easy to approve business loan, these guys seem to have a well thought out list.

The up-armored golf carts and Top Gun volleyball court show that they care about employee safety and employee morale as well. They certainly are covering all of their bases in this regard. What else is on the list? Mini-bars, duh, you don't want your employees getting too stressed out at work, this is a smart investment for the future and welfare of the company. C-wire, well duh, how are you going to have guard towers and fortified firing positions without c-wire? Why do they need a flamethrower again? Bugs? Well, that makes total sense.

We have no doubt that our crew from Grunt Style will get all the financial backing they need for their list of necessi...demands. This is going to be one great place to work, especially if they get the Green Bean Coffee place.