Lego Batmobile built using 500,000 bricks
An artist in California has built a Batmobile using 500,000 Lego bricks and it only took 2 months. From Nerdist:When thinking of superhero vehicles, or even just vehicles from comic books in general, there’s pretty much only one name on the list followed by wannabes and pretenders: The Batmobile. What would Batman be without it? Slower, that’s for sure. Over the years there have been dozens if not hundreds of distinct Batmobile designs by talented artists and craftspeople, which featured in print and toy, television and film, live action and animation. We can now add a brand new design to the list and it’s been realized by Los Angeles-based artist Nathan Sawaya whose chosen medium is something everybody loves: LEGO.I was lucky to get to go into Sawaya’s personal Batcave — his studio, The Art of the Brick, of course — to get to see the fruits of months-long labor. During San Diego Comic-Con this summer, a panel was held wherein DC Comics co-publisher and comic book artist Jim Lee, on the spot, created a new Batmobile design taking suggestions from the audience. The result was a throwback to which featured some new design elements. Using those suggestions and his own imagination, Sawaya spent the next three months honing the design and getting ready to build a full-sized, 18-foot-long car made of solid LEGO bricks, 500,000 of them to be exact. That’s right: half a million.

“Jim did a great job of detailing out the wings and that there’d be the exhaust, and such like that,” Sawaya told me as we circled the amazing piece of physical art. “Then I put my own interpretation on it. For example, one of the things Jim wanted to do — he had Batman, and Robin sitting behind him in the Batmobile, but he had more of an open cockpit. I decided to fill it in. They’re still in there. You just can’t see them.”The detail on the car is insane. You can’t see it from the pictures, but the wheels have little Bat Symbol holes in the spokes, made by putting LEGO bricks together. No carving was done either. “Not everyone, but there’s going to be someone — and it’s usually probably someone this tall,” Sawaya said, indicating a wheel-height young person, “who will notice that, and it’s for them. It’s for those kids out there who spend the time looking at all the details of a piece like this. I want to reward them a little bit. If you’re really looking, you’re going to see little things like that.”Read the rest at Nerdist. And be sure to check out all of Nathan's work at[mwi-cat-listing cat="94" ppp="4" cols="4" desc="false" type="view" btn_color="black" ]