We don't care how tough you say you are. We don't care how many bodies you've slain. If you think for one minute, we don't know that you fellas are gonna go out and celebrate National Bubble Bath Day, you're dead wrong.

Let's be objective about this for a minute. Your muscles are sore and you've been killing terrorist assholes all day. ALL DAMN DAY! You're tired. Who wouldn't be tired after a long day of making the green grass grow? There is no shame in taking a bubble bath. You don't have to sacrifice your masculinity. There's certainly a bubble bath out there that smells like bacon, bourbon, cigars, and leather. A hot relaxing bubble bath can do wonders for your body, relieving aches and pains in a way that you're not proud to admit but will still secretly do. We've got a few tips to ensure that your bubble bath is as rugged and manly as you are.

First off light candles. It's not dainty, you're taking a bath surrounded by FIRE, and that's super manly! Next trick to make your bubble bath more masculine is bourbon. We just happen to have the perfect bourbon for you to enjoy in your manly bubble bath, Merica Bourbon! Picture this if you will, a bubble bath smelling of cigars and leather, surrounded by flames, while you relax sipping bourbon. If that's not super-manly, we don't know what is. We've got one more tip to ensure your bathtime is super manly. Invite your special lady friend. Certainly, we don't need to explain how this is a win-win situation for the both of you. Now you have the benefit of plausible deniability, 'It was totally for her, bro,' is all you need to say to quell the critics.Ladies and gentlemen both, take a moment tonight to enjoy a nice warm soothing bubble bath with a glass or bottle of Merica Bourbon. Treat yourself on National Bubble Bath Day!

P.S. you'd better have a rubber ducky!