Well, now that the Fourth of July has come and gone, the neighborhood Karens that have to tell everyone how to live their lives and use people as props to further her selfish goals and speak to managers have a ton of free time. No longer can they tell folks to be courteous of veterans with their fireworks, an activity that has taken up a majority of their time since they got Memorial Day confused with Veterans Day.We full well expect to see long wait times anywhere that has a manager that these Karens can speak to. Fast food, grocery store, sit down restaurant, church, anywhere that they feel their particular needs are not being met in a manner or speed which they'd like.The next holiday, Labor Day, nobody knows how the hell to celebrate it, so the Karens will probably be with their newfound free time until October when they tell people to not dress too scary on Halloween because it might scare some people...Then after Halloween, we have the kick-off of the official holiday season where Karens go into overdrive. From telling people what they should eat on Thanksgiving to fighting someone on Black Friday and then asking for the manager when they get their ass kicked, Karens will be super busy...but for right now...They just don't know what to do with their time. They are lost and absent direction.If you see a Karen arguing with thin air, do your part. Help her out by doing something totally normal that might slightly irk her so that she can go off on a righteous crusade against you. We know it'll be annoying, but if you distract her, you're doing the rest of us a favor, keeping her occupied so that we can continue to do our hoodrat shenanigans.You're the hero we deserve. Occupy a Karens time.
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