Today is National Purple Heart Day. A day where we recognize those wounded in combat. As we sit around the offices here, with the many veterans we employee, you'd be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't know a Purple Heart recipient. These men and women were hit with everything from a small piece of shrapnel to having multiple limbs amputated. Bullet wounds to IED explosions, your blood was spilled on foreign land.During the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, we saw medical technology increase to a level never before seen. Men and women who would have died in earlier conflicts were now being saved. They are able to live somewhat normal lives. We're grateful for these live saving procedures. We'd much rather have our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, and friends here.While the scars and permanent effects of the wounds still remain, these men and women are able to get married, have families, go back to school, compete in athletics, and have a career. Options never before available to some given the wound they received in combat. We're so grateful to have them here.

For the recipients of the Purple Heart from wars long over World War II, Korea, Vietnam, multiple incidents through the Cold War...we remember you as well. We recognize the hellish conditions you fought in. We remember your sacrifice and the sacrifice of your brothers.For those awarded the medal posthumously, we said it best in our Memorial Day piece. We miss you. No matter what happens or what life does to keep us busy, we'll never forget you. You're always here with us, your best qualities, we remember and we try to be better. We try to ensure that you live on honorably.We all paid in sweat, but you precious few paid in blood, and many paid the ultimate sacrifice