Time and time and time and again we beseech through words great and small the benefits of having an outlet. We speak a lot to veterans, but for anyone that has endured hardship and pain, we'd like you to take a lesson from the book of Ryan Jensen in regards to dealing with the pain. When as humanity endures pain, there is this need for our one soul to reconcile the two worlds we've experienced. The battle inside rages on, twisting, tormenting and polluting our very essence as people. How do we stand firm amidst this trouble and hardship? We let go.Ryan Jensen spent seven and a half years in the United States Marine Corps as an 0311 (Rifleman), first with 1st Battalion 3rd Marines and then with 2nd Battalion 5th Marines. As war and hardship do, it tore Ryan apart inside. He needed to find a way out, he needed to find a way to soothe his soul. His father was a master painter and spent time meticulously teaching Ryan the art form. As push came to shove and Ryan's father passed, painting allowed Ryan to embark on a journey to find peace. Struggling with alcoholism and PTSD, Ryan felt the pain lift as he "let go" on the canvas. Now sober and moving forward, no longer defined by those afflictions, Ryan is inspiring others with the beauty, elegance and authentic glimpses into his soul.

From beautiful landscapes full of texture and depth to surreal scenes of the war he'd somehow managed to live through, each painting allowed for healing to take place in its own unique way. The proud father of two finds that letting go is the only way that he can grasp firmly onto this life that he has built for himself. A family and a future.

Through letting go, Ryan has cemented what is truly important in life and found a path to peace of mind, body, and soul. Semper Fidelis Marine, carry on the good work, setting an example for the tribe that the war is not the summation of who we are.Read more stories of American Grit here: