Violent But True: Episode 3||||||||
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Violent But True: Episode 3

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November 22, 2017
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Some terrorists will never learn. It's one thing to engage American forces in the city, attacking a place they have set up to defend, however, is an entirely different story. In Ghazni Province Afghanistan, the Taliban drove a truck full of explosives into the wall, tearing a gigantic hole in the wall of the compound. It also woke up the SEALs and Green Berets who were sleeping. It's a bold move, let's see how it plays out for the Taliban (hint, not well).

How dumb do you have to be to attack the area with all of the American special forces units? You gotta be pretty stupid, and these Taliban fighters paid for it with their lives. Mark Colbert a Green Beret, was super excited because instead of having to go find the enemy, they basically came to him and all of his friends. There is nothing quite like having the party show up at your door. He jumped on an ATV with one of his Navy SEAL buddies and they got right to work. There was a firefight!!

Mark Colbert

Despite the numerous rounds coming from the AKs of the enemy and the multiple RPG's raining around them, the warriors started laying down their own wall of lead. One of Mark's friends was shot in the leg and head, but, he didn't even die! Mark was shot as well, neither of them cared and they started plugging lead into Taliban fighters one after the other. It was glorious, then Mark's friends showed up and the warriors, excited to have more friends at the party, laid waste to the Taliban fighters. Most of the Americans made it out of that day alive. SSgt. Ollis, jumped on a grenade to save some of his friends, one of those friends named his son after SSgt. Ollis.

Mark Colbert

Just goes to show, bringing the fight to Americans usually ends up to be a fatal decision.

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