This past weekend I spent some time at the Chicago Motorcycle Show and was shocked to notice not a single distributor or rep wanting to talk to me. The two men I was with were approached by almost everyone. Is it because I look intimidating? I’d like to think so, but in all reality, no one thinks of a chick as a rider. They see the big buff guy or the typical biker looking guy with a long beard and want to talk to them. The common misconception that women are not riders, is, for lack of better words, horse sh*t.
When I get on my bike and hit the open road it's the most satisfying feeling in the world. I feel invincible. I love rolling up to a bar and counting the number of heads that turn when they realize that it’s a chick on a Harley. My favorite question is of course when they ask, “Where’s your boyfriend at?” Eat dust bro, I’ve got my own bike.

I’ve been riding bikes nearly my entire life. Starting on a dirt bike, moving to street bikes, and finally making the purchase of my beloved Bernadette. She’s just a small Harley Davidson Iron 883, but damn do I love that bike. I’m tired of people being surprised by a female rider. When I get asked by other women, ”Why do you own a bike?” or, “Why don’t you just ride on your boyfriend's?” Well here’s why: I am a strong independent woman, and I am sure as hell not a back rest!

According to the 2014 statistics from the Motorcycle Industry Council, the number of motorcycles owned by females is 14%. That’s a 50% increase over the last 10 years. My recommendation to any women out there that are thinking about riding or wanting to learn to ride, is DO IT! Sure, every new thing can be a bit scary, but so is trying a new food. I’m sure you couldn’t wait to get your driver's license when you turned 16, why not be excited to get a bike license? Get empowered and get your ass out on the road. You won’t regret it.