For Love Of Country For today's RED Friday WOD, I want to speak about a single word:"why". We constantly ask it, to others, and to ourselves. Why? Because there has to be a reason for everything; everything we do, want, and need. This of course pertains to your lifestyle. Do you eat healthy and exercise regularly? Or do you treat your body like an amusement park, on it's way to a life at risk of being cut short? Why? Answers will vary and excuses will run rabid, but at the end of the day you should know exactly what your answer to "why?" is and how it supports your purpose in life. I maintain a healthy and active lifestyle because it supports my purpose in life: To be the best Husband, Father, Soldier, and role model I can possibly be. For Love Of Country. Because without our beautiful country, this WOD wouldn't be written, and you wouldn't be questioning your "why". Now enough of me rambling on. DO PT!25 Box Jumps (High Jumps if box unavailable)25 Isometric Wipers25 Oblique Crunches (per side)25 Shoulder Presses (with weight preferred)perform this circuit 5 times with no more than 30 seconds of rest between rounds.Please leave your comments below or on one of our social media platforms, your feedback is important!
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