5 Miracle Cures Every Combat Medic Knows
There is no doubt that there is a special relationship between Soldiers (and Marines) and their Medics. We all remember the Medics who served with us and who were there for us in our times of need. No matter what we needed, we all knew we could turn to Doc and he would be there with a solution.A good Medic is worth their weight in gold because they know everything and can handle even the most stressful of situations with a calm and cool demeanor that puts others around them at ease. You may have seen a Medic in action and wondered, "how do they do the things they do?"After conducting another very scientific survey of the veterans here at Grunt Style, and our resident Medic, Doc Williamson, we have discovered the super-secret information that Medics throughout the military don't want you to know about their genius. We have the 5 miracle cures every Combat Medic knows that we are sure you have all experienced.#5 - Stretch it out

Pulled muscle? Did you stretch before PT? Did you stretch after PT? Do you know how to stretch at all? The cure for any strains or pulls or minor twinges you feel after a 14 hour foot patrol with 100lbs of gear is to stretch it out. No, it is definitely not reduce weight and take it easy for a bit. That is never the answer. Stretching will cure what ails you trooper. Now get back out on the line.#4 - Return to duty
The first class at Ft. Sam Houston is called, "Return to Duty - The Simple Phrase That Fits Nearly Every Situation". This class deals with the ins and outs of telling Soldiers and Marines of various ranks to return to duty. The fastest way to cure just about any issue is to get that Soldier back to duty as quickly as possible. Get their mind off whatever is hurting them by getting them back to work. A Medic who doesn't learn RTD is not a Medic who is going to be successful out in the ranks.#3- Change your socks

As an Infantryman, this is often one of the first questions Doc will ask if you go to him is, "When was the last time you changed your socks?" Heat stroke? Change socks. Flu? Change your socks. Got your foot run over by the truck? Was there a new pair of socks on that foot? There almost nothing that can't be cured by a change of socks. In fact, go ahead and change your socks right now just in case.

#2 - Drink Water
Are you not drinking water right now? Then you are wrong. Water nearly cures everything. If it weren't for our #1 item, water would be the #1 cure from a Combat Medic. Headache? Oh you must be dehydrated. What color is your pee? See, I told you. You need to drink water.#1 - Take Motrin

If you ask a Medic, there is absolutely nothing that can't be cured by Motrin. We all have stories about times we have gone to our Medics with issues only to be told, take Motrin. But Doc, my leg is broken and you can see my ankle is at a 45 degree angle. Don't worry troop, Motrin will take care of that. It doesn't even matter if you have already tried to take Motrin before you go to a Medic thinking that he's going to tell you to take Motrin so you are going to head him off. If you tell him you have taken Motrin, he'll tell you that if you still have problems, it must not have been enough so...take more.Those are the 5 miracle cures every Combat Medic knows. Be sure to share the cures that your Medics has used on you.(For the record, this is all in good fun of course. We all know full well the value of a good Medic and we are all thankful for the help they have provided to all of us.)[mwi-cat-listing cat="94" ppp="4" cols="4" desc="false" type="view" btn_color="black" ]