Ahhhh hunting. Hunting season is right around the corner. It is a beautiful time of year where you get to travel to the wilderness, enjoy the beauty of it all and still get to shoot something. We're pretty excited about it here and you should be too. Why? Because...like we said, you get to shoot something. For those of you who like to shoot things in different areas of our beloved country, we've tracked down the best hunting spots in the United States, some of these you may know, some you may not.Either way, you're sure to bag the game of your choice in any of these locations, unless of course, you can't shoot for shit.1. Appleton, Wisconsin

It's pretty much a one-stop shop for whitetail deer, bear, grouse, geese, smallmouth bass, and muskie. If you can't find something to shoot or catch there, well...isn't that saying more about you than it is about Appleton?2. Rapid City, South Dakota

Do you like mule deer? What about Elk? Fan of Whitetail Deer? Or what about a turkey? All these plus Pronghorns and much much more are available at the edge of the famous Black Hills region.3. Craig, Colorado

More of a specialty location for those of you wanting to shoot nothing but Elk. We're certain you can probably find more to hunt here, being that Colorado is chock full of game, but in Craig, you'll find some of the largest Elk herds in North America, which isn't too shabby. With this many Elk, you can probably close your eyes and still hit something (don't do that though).4. Northwest Montana

Towns aren't...really a thing in Montana, vast amounts of wilderness, as well as a variety of big game, await hunters yearning for a little bit more of a challenge. Open season on the black bears doesn't start till April though, so you'll have to wait a little bit longer.5. Idaho County, Idaho

If you want to hunt something that will hunt you back, look no further than Idaho County, home to a relatively large amount (considering how sparse it is everywhere else) of large Mountain Lions. Best keep your wits about you here, or you'll end up being the dinner.6. Denali Preserve, Alaska

Your best chance of downing the famous and intimidating Grizzly Bear lies here. Just remember the best hunting partner in a scenario like this, is a slow one.