Let's face it: There are a lot of subscription boxes out there. Some are great and some are downright annoying, but what the gang over at The Tactical Edge are putting together is beyond amazing! The veteran owned and operated company located just outside Ft. Campbell Kentucky (home of the 101st Airborne), touts providing all the top brands at the lowest prices for some of the best handguns, pistols, and rifles. What's next for the Tactical Edge gang? You're going to love this!Introducing the WARFIGHTER Builder's Box! Each package allows you to build out a fully functional MOE, WARFIGHTER, or HEATHEN model over time and on a budget. You can choose a 3 month, 6 month, 9 month or 12 month subscription where you will be building your rifle of choice!

They will ship out a box every month, starting with the lower receiver. This will be the only part that needs to be sent to an FFL for pick up (transfer fee not included in price). Every box after that will be sent directly to your door step. Each box will contain the next piece to your rifle with all the instructions, link to our YouTube assembly videos and AR tools necessary to assemble that box.Whether you're a first time AR owner or a Veteran, building your own WARFIGHTER gives you the ability to learn how your rifle functions and operates. After this process, you will have the knowledge and ability to build your own AR15. How awesome is that?This is a must for every new rifle owner. After your receive all your boxes, you will have your completed AR. The hammer, punches, and Vise are not included. Here's a list of what's included in all the different subscriptions:
After you've gotten through your entire subscription run, you'll be all set with something that will look a lot like this:

The variety here is pretty incredible in what's truly the first of it's kind in the subscription box market. Who's getting in on this? We want your feedback here!Read more shooting articles here.