As the date of his action approaches, we couldn't think of a more fitting man to tell the story of today. His name Ray E. Eubanks and this rough and tumble man from North Carolina was about as brave as they can get. We can totally understand why too, he was armed with a badass piece of equipment, the ever famous Browning Automatic Rifle. Who isn't brave and confident running into battle spraying .30-06 at the cyclic rate?Let's set up the scene, it's World War 2 and the Japanese did some super shady shit. Remember that whole Pearl Harbor bombing bullshit they pulled, not cool, even though we're cool with them now, it wasn't cool back then. So we find our intrepid hero Ray E. Eubanks on an island filled with Japanese defenders, super close to Austrailia. Not a good spot for the enemy to occupy. So the United States went there to ensure the enemy was relocated. Sgt. Eubanks was working his way to another platoon that was pinned down. As luck would have it, his platoon was pinned down.Well, enough was enough with that garbage, so grabbing his weapon of mayhem and destruction, Sgt. Ray E. Eubanks went all guns blazing until...well they shot his BAR. What a bunch of pricks. How dare they? So as much as it pissed off all of us, it pissed off Ray even more.

So, he upended his BAR and went all Ty Cobb on their asses beating the bastards and leaving them in the ditch (extra points if you get that reference). Ray sent four enemy soldiers to the afterlife utilizing his Browning Automatic Rifle as a club.While dolling out death, he was struck down and killed by the enemy on July 23rd, 1944, but he had made his impact.

Remember folks, in the face of overwhelming odds and firepower, sometimes it's nice just go apeshit with a BAR, it helps morale! For his actions, Ray E. Eubanks was awarded the Medal of Honor.